イベント情報 / スクーバ!-SCUBA Yamagata LGBTQA+


2024年1月8日 Zoomで新年おはなし会/Online Chat Party!

*English ver. bellow

【 Zoomで新年おはなし会 】




日時:2024年1月8日(月) 19:00~21:00













⇒メールのタイトルを「1月8日参加希望」として、katacanagusu◎gmail.com (◎を@に変えて)に送信してください。

申込締切:2024年1月6日 23:00まで。 (または定員15名に達し次第終了)


Online Chat Party!

In Japan, it's quite common for family members or relatives to gather and spend time together around the end of the year. Those couple of days, people from the LGBTQ+ community often face unpleasant conversations or circumstances, like being called 'girl' or 'sweetheart' or being asked 'do you have a boyfriend?', 'Man, when will you get married? I know a pretty girl so let me introduce her to you!' etc.  It can be painful and stressful, especially if you are not openly a member of the LGBTQ+.

In this event, we are going to chat about our good/bad experiences that happened during the holidays. We will be speaking in Japanese, so if you are not comfortable chatting in Japanese, there will be an amateur interpreter (or two) so you can join us with no problem! Feel free to register!

DATE: Jan. 8th, 2024, 7 PM - 9 PM

(You can come and leave at any time)

FOR: Members of the LGBTQA+ community who live in Yamagata

FEE: Free

LOCATION: Online, Zoom

* You can join the call without a camera, and without voice, if you want to just listen.

* We'll email you with the zoom link after you have registered.

MAIN EVENT: Chatting

To apply: Use the Google form in the link below. Or send us an email to the address below.

▼Google form



katacanagusu ◎ gmail.com (Replace ◎ to @)

*Please title your email with the date of the event 'Application for January 8th Event' 

Accepting applications until: Jan. 6th, 11PM (We'll stop accepting once the limit is reached. Availability: 15)

See you there!